As Patches and Spider-Man face down Barbas, the Great President of Hell, can they be convinced to listen to his offer and possibly turn against their own team – or even each other?
Category: Volume 26
Volume 26: Episode 3: Strange Encounters
This week Spider-Man and Hellcat are teamed up to deal with Egress and the Ngarai who have sinister plans for England but what about the bigger danger – Patches’ animosity towards Peter?
Volume 26: Episode 2: I’m Losing More Than I’ll Ever Have
Infected with the Captain Britain Blood Curse, Jean Grey and Cliff Steel, the Negative Man, must deal with their Pyrrhic victory before the curse kills them.
Volume 26: Episode 1: Sound Souls
This week Jean Grey and Cliff Steel, the Negative Man, team up and go on a road trip to deal with the Captain Britain Corp in a new universe, but will the pair be able to survive on their own – or will their deaths release something even worse?